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Sunday, 28 May 2017

Guide to Learning Microsoft Word Online

Hello there in this class, I would be teaching you how to start using Microsoft Word Online or let's just say you are going to Learn Microsoft Word Online for Free. So all I need from you is your attention.

But before we move to the lesson of today, I suppose you have download Microsoft Word Application and Install it on your Computr. Incase you have not, you can download it today.

Incase you don't have a system but you are in the cyber cafe, then you are good to go still.

What you need in your Computer to Learn Microsoft Word Online as a Starter

Mavis Beacon

Ever heard of mavis beacon? It is a teaching app that teaches typing. It is actually the one that teaches you how to place your fingers before you go into Microsoft Word. Normally when you type on Microsoft Word there are ways you place your Fingers that let's you type fast and accurately.

So mavis beacon teaches typing is the #1 thing you should have if you want to learn Microsoft Word.

You can get the App in a nearby Store where they sell computer accessories and You can as well download it online.

I would recommend you buy the disc and install because you can use it later. But incase you are using a cuber cafe or you have a computer that does not use CD ROM like the Dell Latitude 2110, you should download it online and use a Flash to install it on your Computer.

A flash is an external Disk that can be used to save things for installing on your Computer.

After you have downloaded it install and start following the instructions to learn how to place your Fingers.

You should practice this always. This is because you won't find any difficulties when you enter Microsoft Word.

Another benefit from practicing Mavis always is that it would make you master your keys very fast so you don't get problems typing.

If you've done this for a couple of times then continue reading below on Starting Microsoft Word.

Beginners Guide to Learn Microsoft Word Online.

Follow the below steps to start this class;

1. Click on the start Button (always located at the bottom left

2. Open Microsoft Word from the Window there

3. Now your Document is open and this time you should see a white sheet. That is your page.

Now you need to start typing but there are things you need to do;

I would be sharing that on the next post.

So keep in touch and make sure you Practice the above Mavis Beacon as recommended.

Share with friends.

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