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Sunday 28 May 2017

Laser IPL machine, Skincare Solution

IPL (intense pulsed light) technology is used by cosmetic and medical experts to perform various skin treatments for therapeutic and aesthetic purposes. Laser IPL treatments are clinically proven, non-invasive and non-ablative that uses high-intensity pulses of visible light to not only improve the appearance of the skin but also remove unwanted hair. Laser IPL machine uses a hand held computer controlled flashgun with high power to deliver an intense and visible broad spectrum of light in a range of 400 to 1200 nm.
This product is designed to target a wide variety of skin conditions including acne, ageing, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, freckles, unsightly veins, unwanted hair and signs of photo ageing. Laser IPL offers safe, non-invasive solutions that can be tailored according to individual’s skin type and condition. The system is suitable for use on most skin types and produces outstanding results just after a few treatment sessions. The specific spectrum of light, intensity, duration and number of exposures are determined according to skin and hair characteristics. Many types of IPL machines are available to treat a wide variety of skin conditions.
Laser IPL machines for sale creates heat with low energy at a slow pace over a longer period of time which builds up in melanin. Slower, but longer heating process have been clinically proven to be considerably more effective to treat a host of skin disorders than high and short levels of energy and is pain-free. 
Out of many laser IPL machines available not all offer premium solutions, so when choosing the best laser IPL machine keep few factors in mind such as the brand, versatility, efficacy, safety, price, cartridge life and machine life. Also, check whether the product is quality tested or not. Laser IPL offers impeccable solutions to beauty professionals and small space salons with its compact size and complete portability.

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